Challenge: What's the diagnosis?
Related Questions:
1. What's the symptom of itchiness called?
2. What's the symptom of burning pain called?
3. What's seen on the histology image?
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I put together these medical challenges. The cases are hypothetical and do not necessarily represent actual or typical presentations of medical diseases. Disclaimer is at the bottom of this page.
1 histaminemia / pruritus
2 - algia?
3polycythemia rubra vera
"appropriate absoltue polycythemia" COPD, high altitude, hypoventilation syndromes like tetralogy, left shift Hb like methemoglobinemia
"absolute inapprorpriate polycythemia"
PRV, epo-secreting renal cyst, cushing's uterine leiomyomas, von hppel disease, hepatocellular carcionma
"relative polycythemia"
smoker's polycythemia, Gaisbock's syndrome, volume depletion
The symptom of itching is pruritis; the symptom of the burning pain in the hands and feet is erythromelalgia. The histology image shows a lack of iron in the bone marrow; iron has been used up to produce the increased red cell mass. Along with the CBC and history of peptic ulcer disease, this is highly suggestive of polycythemia vera. Polycythemia vera is a chronic myeloproliferative disorder with elevated red blood cell mass. Patients with polycythemia are prone to developing clots and further complications. It is related to a mutation in JAK2.
Sources: Tulane; UpToDate.
Wow, very thorough answer Alex!
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