Challenge: What is the most likely diagnosis? What is the causative agent?
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I put together these medical challenges. The cases are hypothetical and do not necessarily represent actual or typical presentations of medical diseases. Disclaimer is at the bottom of this page.
In this case, should the disease name be changed to Appalachian Mountain spotted fever? :P
rocky mountain spotted fever?
Rickettsia rickettsii from ticks
The Name is a Misnomer
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, a gram negative obligate intracellular bacterium. In the US, it is most prevalent in the southeastern and south central states (not necessarily the Rocky Mountains). The principal vectors are the American dog tick and Rocky Mountain wood tick, and the disease is typically transmitted in a tick bite. The rash is one of the few that affects the palms and soles.
Source: Wikipedia; UpToDate.
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