I put together these medical challenges. The cases are hypothetical and do not necessarily represent actual or typical presentations of medical diseases. Disclaimer is at the bottom of this page.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
This rash is seen on the back of the neck of an eighty year old woman who has HTN, DM, dyslipidemia, COPD, arthritis, urinary incontinence, GERD, and migraines. Her medication list spans two pages. Lesions are noted in flexural areas, the groin, the axillae, and the mouth. They are itchy. A diagnostic procedure is done and results are shown below:
This is bullous pemphigoid. The second image shows immunofluorescence for autoantibodies to epidermal basement membrane, leading to subepidermal blisters.
Bullous pemphigoid - IgG against hemidesmosomes.
exactly right!
This is bullous pemphigoid. The second image shows immunofluorescence for autoantibodies to epidermal basement membrane, leading to subepidermal blisters.
Sources: UpToDate; healthcare.uiowa.edu; missinglink.ucsf.edu.
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