In between first and second year, you "volunteer" down in South America, scaling mountains, trekking through rainforests, tanning on beaches, and mingling with the locals. You spend your spare time volunteering in a clinic. One day, this child walks in:

Your language skills aren't too good, but you gather that something might have bit him. A bug or fly maybe? You figure this might be important information, so you have the child draw what he saw. This is what he draws:

Hmm...not bad. You examine the boy more closely. The pertinent finding is his right eye, where he says the bug bit him. He has no other symptoms, but you're a little worried. You draw some blood and see this with a special stain:

Challenge: If left untreated, this patient may develop a cardiac manifestation of the disease. What would that be?
Related Questions:
1. What is the finding in the first image?
2. What is the bug in the second image?
3. What is seen in the third image?
4. What is the diagnosis?
All images are in the public domain.