Monday, January 31, 2011


Challenge: Based on the diagram, what's the defect called? Should you use prostaglandins or indomethacin?

Image shown under Fair Use.


Daisy said...

looks like transposition of the great vessels. give prostaglandin to keep the ductus open until baby gets surgery.

Bas said...

Transposition of the great arteries. Prostaglandines is the therapy.

Eric said...

Transposition of the great vessels - use prostaglandins to keep the PDA open until you can fix surgicallY.

tree said...

Transposition of the great arteries. Give prostaglandins to keep that ductus arteriosus patent!

sid said...

Transposition of great vessels.... PDA in such patients allows partial oxygenation of blood.... so prostaglandins should be used to keep the PDA open.... Indomethacin will lead to closure of PDA

Craig said...

wow! this one was a popular case (maybe it was too easy? :P) but you guys are awesome, i dont think i remember this much peds :)

In transposition of the Great Arteries (dextro type shown here), the aorta arises from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery arises from the left ventricle. This creates two parallel circulations, one with deoxygenated blood on the systemic side and oxygenated blood on the pulmonary side. Infant survival depends on the presence of a patent foramen ovale, VSD, or patent ductus arteriosus. Prostaglandin E is administered to maintain the PDA.

Source: UpToDate, including image.